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Artability+ is a three-year project aiming to empower persons with disabilities and increase their self-confidence through their participation in workshops on artistic techniques, creation and guiding of an art exhibition.

General objective:
To offer training opportunities that allow adults with disabilities improve their social participation/inclusion through the generation/creation of artistic expressions and/or the consumption of culture in normalized environments.

Specific objectives:

  • To design and develop a training curriculum focused on the teaching/learning of artistic techniques and that contemplates the introduction of transversal contents focused in the promotion of the autonomy of people with disabilities.
  • To implement the training experience of the curriculum designed with an average of 12 people participant by country, and that these go from being students to trainers of own experience.
  • To achieve the transit of participation by people with disabilities from different specific environments to normalized environments.

Target group
Project activities will involve at least 12 people with disability per country from 4 participating countries


  • Interactive workshops on artistic techniques;
  • Training on artistic techniques of the participants of the partner countries;
  • Workshop on how to create an exhibition;
  • Workshop on how to guide an exhibition;
  • Creation of downloadable application on artistic techniques

The project will run for 3 years starting from September 2019.

COGAMI – Galician Confederation of People with Disabilities (Spain) – Coordinator
ANTIGONE – Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non-Violence (Greece)
ATA – Asociata De Tineri Din Ardeal (Romania)
VRC – Valakupiai Rehabilitation Centre (Lithuania)

Funding Body